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We support the Red Cross Society

Telescope Services AB, has, during its years of growth in Ukraine, accumulated a substantial amount of computer equipment. As a developer of state-of-the-art software, Telescope constantly replenishes its inventory of equipment to ensure that it remains abreast of the most cutting edge hardware. However, the company’s inventory of equipment is still highly functional and could be of significant use to other organizations. Therefore, instead of selling hardware that remains highly functional, the company has decided to donate its laptops and personal computers to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society. https://redcross.org.ua/en/

The Ukrainian Red Cross Society is a major contributor to more than 40 humanitarian programmes throughout Ukraine and annually provides services to more than 105,000 lonely, elderly people, approximately 23,000 Ukrainians disabled during the Second World War, handicapped workers and war veterans.

We are proud to contribute to the vital work being undertaken by this non-profit humanitarian and charitable association of Ukraine.

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Competence beyond borders

Patrick Hiller, Chief Executive Officer