About Telescope

Welcome Jessie Gutay: New Beginnings in Sweden

Telescope is delighted to welcome Jessie Gutay, our new colleague from the tropical island of the Philippines, now making his home in Sweden. Jessie brings his expertise in design verification to Ericsson, where he is a part of the Software and Optics team.

Jessie and his wife, Brenda, have recently settled in Stockholm and are delighted with its serene environment, beauty, and efficient public transport. They appreciate the unique combination of vibrant culture and stunning architecture, yet enjoy a relaxed and unhurried pace of life. The proximity to greenery and nature further enhances their experience, making Stockholm an ideal place to call home.

In Stockholm, Jessie appreciates the relaxed pace and the friendly, multicultural community. Adjusting to the local cuisine was a challenge at first, given his preference for rice-based meals, but Jessie and Brenda are now exploring various dining options that the city has to offer.

At Ericsson, Jessie’s role involves working with a global team, enhancing ethernet products through rigorous design verification processes. He is delighted to work in a diverse team with engineers from different cultures, which enriches his professional experience. His onboarding experience was very smooth and stress-free, contributing to a positive start at the company.

Jessie has noted that Telescope’s comprehensive support has been instrumental in making him and his wife feel at home in Sweden. From arranging their relocation to facilitating community integration, Telescope ensures their engineers and families have everything they need to succeed and thrive in the new environment.

Outside work, Jessie enjoys exploring Stockholm’s cultural scene with Brenda. They recently had the opportunity to attend a Taylor Swift concert, marking one of their first major outings in the city. With plans to travel and explore more of Sweden and Europe, Jessie looks forward to making the most of the opportunities ahead.

Welcome aboard, Jessie! We are thrilled to have you as part of our team and excited to see all the contributions you will make!

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Competence beyond borders

Patrick Hiller, Chief Executive Officer