About Telescope

Electrical Engineer in TSS

Today, we are delighted to introduce Ronald Ariate from the Philippines, who has recently embarked on a remarkable journey, joining our esteemed team at Telescope. He is engaged in the project of our client, ESS, as an electrical engineer.

Upon arriving in Sweden, Ronald settled in the serene town of Lund, nestled amidst beautiful landscapes. He has found sanctuary in a beautifully renovated farm, which he now proudly calls home. Coincidentally, his fellow colleagues, Carlos and Gisselle from Telescope, are now his immediate neighbors! This sense of community fosters a supportive environment where they can unwind, exchange ideas, and explore their new surroundings together.

One of the most significant aspects that attracted Ronald to Sweden was the profound emphasis placed on work-life balance. Having experienced the demanding work culture in Asia, he sought a change that would allow him to thrive both professionally and personally. In Sweden, work-life balance is not merely a buzzword – it is a fundamental aspect of the culture that is deeply honored and ingrained in the way people live and work. The focus is not on the number of hours spent at work but on achieving quality results.

Ronald’s decision to relocate to Sweden was primarily motivated by his daughter’s education. Sweden’s renowned education system, characterized by its high quality and accessibility, provides an ideal environment for young minds to thrive. From comprehensive early childhood education to world-class universities, Sweden offers a host of opportunities for intellectual growth and development.

Ronald eagerly awaits the arrival of his wife and daughter, who will join him in Sweden this September. He is excited about introducing his family to the wonders of their new home, sharing the joy of exploring Swedish culture, sightseeing, and creating cherished memories together. Moreover, Ronald’s enthusiasm for outdoor activities is set to continue in Sweden, as he eagerly anticipates cycling adventures and rekindling his passion for badminton, a sport that brings him joy and fulfillment.

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Competence beyond borders

Patrick Hiller, Chief Executive Officer